Friday, October 30, 2009

In looking back on discussions I have had with friends in regards to downloading music by illegal file sharing, one topic has never been discussed, although it could have some real implications: legal action. Back in the days when I used Kazaa and Limewire it never crossed my mind that I was actually “stealing” something, or doing anything illegal. Stealing something that is intangible? It was a foreign concept to me at the time. However several of these programs have faced lawsuits, and so have some of the users. And who should take the blame? Users or the programs themselves?


  1. "Illegal" file sharing equalizes the music industry's playing field. While some artists are talented (lucky) enough to be picked up by big name labels, others equally as good may never get their big break. Sites like myspace and limewire disseminate music across groups of users much more easily because they have a distribution channel in which information can flow much more freely than traditional channels. Thus, while no single artist may become as wealthy, overall the industry will do better. Simply put, are more people listening to music because of illegal file sharing? Then hasn't that made the music industry larger? Illegal file sharing is simply the democratization of the music industry.

    Whadup MB
